Η κατανόηση της ύπαρξης του προβλήματος αποτελεί το ήμισυ της λύσης.

Elena Goulia, Psychologist MSc


Contact hours

  • Monday

9:00 – 20:00

  • Tuesday

9:00 – 20:00

  • Wednesday

9:00 – 20:00

  • Thursday

9:00 – 20:00

  • Friday

9:00 – 20:00

Do i need a psychologist? What are the indicative signs that someone should seek to see a specialist?

  • Do I feel tiredness and energy loss almost every day?
  • Do I have insomnia or hyper-insomnia quite often?
  • Do I cut on my social and professional life?
  • Do I complain about physical symptoms every day?
  • Have I lost the ability to think? I can't concentrate and is there procrastination in what I plan to do almost every day?
  • Am I reluctant and do I refuse to go out of my house?
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Best Psychologist
Best Psychologist



We work together to point your strength in order to create a better everyday life for you.


The intense rhythm of everyday life and the required high demands combined with genetic, environmental and social factors often trigger anxiety and stress.


Panic attacks are a type of anxiety disorder and are accompanied by sudden episodes of intense fear, anxiety and physical discomfort.


Η φοβία αφορά σε έναν επίμονο και παράλογο φόβο για ένα συγκεκριμένο αντικείμενο, χώρο ή κατάσταση.


Anger is one of the most basic human emotions and can be addressed to a person or a situation that is experienced as uncontrollable.


The therapist works with stability and respect towards the needs of both partners.


Coaching is a goal setting and a change so that you can grow, improve your way of communicating with others and realize your potential and dynamic.


In recent years, feeding difficulties or eating disorders have been the subject of intense interest.


Psychometric tests are used to measure a person's mental abilities and behaviour.


We work together to point your strength in order to create a better everyday life for you.


The intense rhythm of everyday life and the required high demands combined with genetic, environmental and social factors often trigger anxiety and stress.


Panic attacks are a type of anxiety disorder and are accompanied by sudden episodes of intense fear, anxiety and physical discomfort.


Η φοβία αφορά σε έναν επίμονο και παράλογο φόβο για ένα συγκεκριμένο αντικείμενο, χώρο ή κατάσταση.


Anger is one of the most basic human emotions and can be addressed to a person or a situation that is experienced as uncontrollable.


The therapist works with stability and respect towards the needs of both partners.


Coaching is a goal setting and a change so that you can grow, improve your way of communicating with others and realize your potential and dynamic.


In recent years, feeding difficulties or eating disorders have been the subject of intense interest.


Psychometric tests are used to measure a person's mental abilities and behaviour.


Online psychotherapy is defined as the process where two parties are involved, the therapist and the client, in a video conference via an internet connection, supported by an electronic mean of communication or platform(s). (desktop/laptop, tablet, mobile phone), Zoom, Teams, Skype, etc).

All users have the opportunity to receive specialized support and advice in order to solve their personal problems.

According to recent research data, online sessions are just as effective as their face-to-face counterparts.

As in any form of psychotherapeutic process, it is of high importance to honour the rules of ethics, trust and confidentiality.

A key advantage is online therapy for people in isolated places, people with reduced mobility, people who find it difficult to seek help due to fear of social stigma. Intimacy is a possible reason why the person will ask for help . Online therapy also benefits people who have agoraphobia and refuse to leave their house. 

In 1997, the American Psychological Association and in 2001 the British Psychological Association Company included rules of ethics for the appropriateness of practicing the psychotherapeutic process online.

Usually completing a treatment is a joint decision. The therapist and the client have realized that the goals have been reached, the client has developed the appropriate skills so that when called upon he can face the difficulties on his own.

The end of a healing process may or may not be the end. Many clients who have been helped may come back even after it is over. The therapist needs to maintain a professional attitude maintaining confidentiality and trust without creating any another kind of relationship, more personal.

The term therapeutic relationship refers to the relationship that is developed between the therapist and the client and starts from the beginning of their acquaintance. It consists in creating a constructive relationship between them, which will have the characteristics of mutual acceptance, trust, respect and commitment. It aims at good cooperation between them, in order to deal with the problem of the client.

The value of the therapeutic relationship both in the beginning and during the course of the therapeutic relationship is of great importance.

Psychologist MSc

Elena Goulia is a psychologist specializing in Organizational / Industrial Psychology (MSc Industrial / Organizational psychology).

She is a BSc graduate with major in Psychology at the University of East London and then continued her postgraduate studies in Organizational / Industrial Psychology at the American College of Thessaloniki (ACT).

Είναι διαπιστευμένη Διαμεσολαβήτρια από το Υπ. Δικαιοσύνης (Οικογενειακή Διαμεσολαβήτρια.

Παρακολούθησε οικογενειακές θεραπείες, ομαδικές συνεδρίες και ατομικές ψυχοθεραπειες ( ΓΣΨ, ΓΑΨ , ψυχαναλυτική ψυχοθεραπεία , υποστηρικτική ψυχοθεραπεία ) κατά το διάστημα 2020-2021 στην Ψυχιατρική Κλινική Ενηλίκων του Γενικού Νοσοκομείου Θεσσαλονικης « Γ. Παπανικολάου» . Ταυτόχρονα συμμετείχε στα τακτικά εξωτερικά ιατρεία της κλινικής, στη διασυνδετική συμβουλευτική,στις εφημερίες και στην αντιμετώπιση των νοσηλευομένων. Παρακολούθησε και συμμετείχε ενεργά στη διενέργεια ψυχομετρικων δοκιμασιων (MMPI2, SLR-90, MMSE). Παρακολουθεί συνεχώς και αδιαλείπτως πλήθος σεμιναρίων που αφορούν το εργασιακό άγχος, ψυχομετρικά εργαλεία στην αξιολόγηση της προσωπικότητας, ειδικα θέματα στη Γνωσιακή Ψυχοθεραπεία καθώς και τις εφαρμογές της Γνωσιακής Συμπεριφορικης Θεραπείας (CBT) στην διαιτολογική πράξη. Το 2022 συνεργάστηκε με τον όμιλο CHB διενεργώντας ψυχομετρικά τεστ των εργαζομένων. Επίσης, τον ίδιο χρόνο και για διάστημα ενός έτους εργάστηκε ως καθηγήτρια Ψυχολογίας στα ΙΙΕΚ ΑΚΜΗ σε μαθήματα σχετικά με την Ψυχολογία και ηθική στο εργασιακό περιβάλλον. Από το 2023 παρακολουθεί το πρόγραμμα του Εθνικού Καποδιστριακού Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών «Γνωσιακή Συμπεριφοριστική Θεραπεία: Θεωρία και Κλινική Πράξη». Παρακολουθεί διαδικτυακά άτομα διαφορετικής κάθε φορά ψυχολογικής υποστήριξης.

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    Psychometric Tests

    Psychometric tests are used to measure a person's mental abilities and behaviour. They also show the personality traits and the individual’s cognitive ability.


    Feeding And Eating Disorders

    In recent years, feeding difficulties or eating disorders have been the subject of intense interest, due to the continuously increasing number of people who have significant problems with their eating behaviour.

    Treatment Tips:
    • Setting realistic goals to achieve ideal body weight
    • Training on how to follow a proper nutrition
    • Keeping a food behaviour diary regarding food consumption
    • Stress management and healthy eating habits as a strategy for dietary change
    • Understanding dysfunctional beliefs around nutrition
    • Encouraging a range of possibilities that lie outside the current perspective and therefore create alternative perspectives of a situation or event
    • Creating new eating patterns

    Personal coaching - Personal growth

    Coaching is a goal setting and a change so that you can grow, improve your way of communicating with others and realize your potential and dynamic by gaining more confidence. According to the individual's requests, we formulate a plan that we follow which targets the following:

    • Time management
    • Stress management
    • Personal improvement and development
    • Relationship support
    • Conquering goals

    We work together in order to build a better everyday life both in your personal and professional life by dealing with all potential difficulties and challenges every time it comes our way.


    Couple Therapy

    The therapist works with stability and respect towards the needs of both partners. It is very important to give individuals the sense that they are not alone in the difficulty they are facing.
    Goal: to improve partners’ communication, to explore each partner's individual goals, to resolve interpersonal conflicts and to help in good qualities reinforcement.
    It has been proven that couple therapy can help understand the relationship dynamics, increase mutual understanding, improve communication, enhance the feeling of security and trust, find alternative solutions to problems, and ultimately create a new, more sustainable reality for both partners.


    Anger management

    Anger is one of the most basic human emotions and can be addressed to a person or a situation that is experienced as uncontrollable. In general, anger is considered a problem when it is a chronic state, appears on every occasion, hinders a person's development and expresses itself in inappropriate or dangerous ways. Anger is often identified with aggression. The difference is that anger is an emotion while aggression is a behaviour. Anger management is about training in recognizing feelings of anger and expressing them in a gentle and clear way.

    Treatment Tips:
    • Physical exercise to relax the muscles and enhance your concentration
    • Take a break / change of environment
    • Have a calm/relaxing thought
    • Move away or avoid noticing things that enrage you
    • Assess the situation
    • Count to ten to regroup

    Phobia Management

    Fear is an emotional state that stems from the sense of threat and is associated with obvious threats, with survival and adaptation, which turns against oneself and creates a need for cautiousness. Phobia refers to a persistent and irrational fear of a particular object, space or situation. Social phobia is a condition characterized by intense anxiety and fear regarding social circumstances in which the person feels exposed to scrutiny, criticism and rejection.

    Treatment Tips:

    • Face your fears one step at a time.
    • Exposure: gradual confrontation of your fears.
    • Try relaxation techniques
    • Reduce time spent dealing with the perceived threat by controlling or expecting the worst
    • Regular exercise

    Wellbeing coaching

    We work together to point your strength in order to create a better everyday life for you to face the difficulties and challenges in both your personal and professional life that will significantly improve your daily life and quality of life.

    Treatment Tips:
    • Time management
    • Stress management
    • Personal improvement and development
    • Relationship support
    • Improvement of self-esteem & self image

    Panic Attacks Management

    Panic attacks are a type of anxiety disorder and are accompanied by sudden episodes of intense fear, anxiety and physical discomfort. They can be painful, but they are not inherently dangerous. The main goal is to be able to distinguish it, learn how to control an upcoming attack and help ourselves prevent any relapses by reducing the number of panic attacks you have and help relieve your symptoms to improve the quality of your life.

    Treatment Tips:
    • Recognize the symptoms and accept what you experience
    • Lifestyle change
    • Try muscle relaxation techniques (deep slow breathing)
    • Regular physical exercise
    • Focus on an object
    • Imagine a pleasant environment
    • Maintain a balanced diet
    • Restriction of caffeine and alcohol intake
    • Stable sleep schedule

    Stress And Anxiety Management

    The intense rhythm of everyday life and the required high demands combined with genetic, environmental and social factors often trigger anxiety and stress. It is a necessary mechanism and a response of the human body to danger and threat. Our goal is to find the ideal level of stress and deal with it successfully.

    Tips For Dealing With Anxiety/Stress:
    • Positive thoughts
    • Balanced diet
    • Physical exercise
    • Self-care
    • Practice deep breathing
    • Productive sleep
    • Alcohol avoidance